The Achiever best represents the traditional outdoor consumer. They participate in a number of different activities including team sports, running, camping, climbing, and mountain biking, among others. Members of this segment are driven to participate in outdoor activities by a variety of motivations including performance and competition. Those that don’t participate at a professional level aspire to do so, and nothing stands in the way of getting outdoors for members of this segment.
WildHeart Tip: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays with sunscreen and protective clothing. Visit the directory to learn what outdoor fit opportunities are available at your installation.
“I do basically everything outside, such as playing sports, fishing, biking, running, and swimming.”
“My jobs and interests require me to be outside. I love hiking, fishing, and camping.”
The Achiever wants the best products on the market with respect to style and function, regardless of brand or channel. They embrace technology in all aspects of their lives and use it to track their performance in outdoor pursuits.
The Achiever tends to be a younger male with children at home. They are more likely than members of other segments to live in or near a city and are more ethnically diverse.
Key Opportunity
By virtue of their participation and attitudes, members of The Achiever segment represent the quintessential outdoor consumer. Yet, they don’t exhibit much brand loyalty and tend to value style in addition to function. As they are very social, they can be leveraged to inspire others in the outdoors.
Credit: Athlete types/Segments are provided by